Crofton 60th Anniversary
60th Anniversary Events of 2024!
The Crofton 60th Anniversary Store is now open at featuring 60th Anniversary Student Art Contest Greeting Cards. Each package of 10 cards has the art from the winning entries at Crofton E.S., Crofton Woods E.S., Crofton Meadows E.S., Nantucket E.S. and the School of the Incarnation.
Each purchase will help to fund Crofton 60th Anniversary community events throughout 2024. All orders can be picked up at Town Hall, 1576 Crofton Parkway, Crofton, MD, Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The September E-Advocate Edition
The September Edition of the E-Advocate is now Available!
The September edition of the E-Advocate is now available online as an e-book at This edition includes on:
Getting your Croftoberfest and Taste of Crofton
Citizen of the Year nominations
Crofton Dog Show
Chili Cook-Off
The CCA General Meeting on the Golf Course Creek restoration
and much more!
If you prefer paper, there is an option to download a PDF to print to your desktop, or to keep for your records and reading.
2024 CCA Crofton Citizen of the Year
Throughout Crofton's history and development there have been many people that have contributed to our growth and Crofton's "hometown" feeling and sense of community. The Crofton Civic Association recognizes those people that have made an impact on Crofton through the Crofton Citizen of the Year award. (See
Any resident of the Crofton SCBD may nominate a neighbor or friend that they believe should be recognized. All nominations are due by Friday, October 11th, and the CCA Board will review all the applications and select one winner at the October 14th CCA Board Meeting.
The Award will be presented to the winner during the Greater Crofton Chambers of Commerce's annual Greater Crofton Community Awards which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.
To complete a nomination you will need to submit the Nominees' contact information, your contact information, and the reason you believe they deserve the award. Click Here for go to the Crofton Citizen of the Year nomination form.
CCA Vice President Marsha Perry (left) present the 2023 Citizen of the Year Award to Lynn Pollock.
Join Our Listserv
Sign up here for the E-Advocate and other important community information.
CCA Board Meeting
There will be a CCA Board of Directors and General Membership meeting on September 16th, 2024, at 7:30 PM at the Library and Media Center, Crofton Elementary School. Our guest speaker will be Nasrin Dahlgren, Senior Project Manager, Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works. She will address the Crofton Golf Stream (Also known as Beaver Creek) Restoration Project.
Crofton's 9th Annual Dog Show
Crofton's 9th Annual Dog Show and Dog Pie Eating Contest sponsored by the CCA and Higgins and Friends Pet Sitting, LLC. will be held in conjunction with the Higgins Pet Fair on Saturday October 25th from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at the Crofton Country Club. Participation is free and may register at
Contests check in and additional information here.
Crofton Chili Cook-Off
First Call Crofton Chili Cook-Off – This is the 10th year for the Crofton Chili Cook-Off; let’s make it the best one yet! The Crofton Chili Cook-Off will be hosted by the Crofton Kiwanis, the Crofton Civic Association, and the Crofton Farmers' Market on Saturday, October 19th, from 10:00 AM to Noon at the Crofton Farmers' Market, located in the parking lot of the Crofton Library, 1681 Riedel Rd, Crofton, MD 21114. There are two awards that will be given:
Crofton Chili Cook-Off Champion
Crofton Chili Cook-Off People's Choice
There will also be a special prize for the hottest chili. The event will benefit the Crofton Christian Caring Council's Food Pantry, which provides food for families in need and the homeless.
If you want to enter a pot of chili in the contest, participant registration is free. Please visit for additional details and to register. Additional information here.
Crofton Police Department News!
September 2024 - The Crofton Police Department is pleased to announce the promotion of Ofc. Jon Carrier to Corporal!
Pictured l-r, Chief Jason Jett, Corporal Jon Carrier
We're Hiring!
Are you ready to join the team? We are hiring! Click here to see if you are qualified.
Crofton Police Department Officer of the Year 2023
Acting Chief, Sgt. Jason Jett presents Cpl. John Sims with the Officer of the Year Award for 2023. Sgt. Jett recognized Cpl. Sim's professionalism and dedication to serving the Crofton community.
Ofc. K. Gable (left),
Ofc. E. Redding (Right)
Citizen recognition "Good Deed" award to Brady Sampson, Crofton Elementary School
On October 27, 2023, Acting Chief Jett and Corporal Sims made a visit to Crofton Elementary School to bestow upon Brady Sampson the esteemed "Good Deed" award, in recognition of his outstanding citizenship. Brady's commendable act was rooted in his discovery of lost property, which he promptly and responsibly turned in to the Crofton Police Department.
Brady's actions embody the principles of honesty, integrity, and community responsibility, which are values highly regarded by both the Crofton Police Department and our community as a whole. As a token of our appreciation and acknowledgment of his exemplary conduct, we presented him with a certificate and other tokens of gratitude. Brady's actions serve as a remarkable example of good citizenship, and his dedication to the betterment of the community is truly commendable.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Brady for his praiseworthy deeds, and we applaud his commitment to upholding the values that make our community a better and safer place for all.
The Crofton Special Community Benefits District (CSCBD) is divided into five districts. Click here to find your district.
CCA ListServ
To be added to our ListServ, please Sign up here for the E-Advocate and other important community information.
As always, if you would prefer to donate the old fashioned way, please send a check or money order to: Crofton Civic Association, 1576 Crofton Parkway, Crofton, MD, 21114.
Thank you for your much needed support!